About The Conference
Superconducting Qubits and Algorithms (SQA) is a not-for-profit scientific conference with a focus
on science, technology, and algorithms relevant for superconducting quantum computers.
It is organized by IQM Quantum Computers in co-operation with the scientific community.
Our goal is to make this the leading event in its field.
SQA is an official satellite conference of LT29.
Helsinki, Finland
On-site and live stream
Thursday to Sunday
25-28 August 2022
Click here here to view it on YouTube.
Keynote speakers

Prof. William D. Oliver
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Prof. Andreas Wallraff
ETH Zürich

Prof. Vladimir Manucharyan
University of Maryland

Dr. Pedram Roushan
Invited speakers

Dr. Florent Lecocq
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Dr. Ioan Pop
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Dr. Alexandru Petrescu
Université de Sherbrooke

Prof. Michael J. Biercuk

Dr. David McKay

Dr. Shiro Saito
NTT Basic Research Laboratories

Dr. Joonas Govenius
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Ami Greene
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Prof. Mikko Möttönen, IQM Quantum Computers
(also a Professor at Aalto University and VTT)
Scientific Committee
Scientific Advisors
Local Organizing Committee
Event Schedule
You can find the program with the talks and posters here.
Registration opens
Opening and Keynote
"Toward Discovering Novel Physics With a NISQ Processor" by Pedram Roushan
Welcome Reception
Opening Day 2 and Keynote
"Realizing Quantum Error Correction in the Surface Code" by Andreas Wallraff
Scientific Session Quantum error correction and mitigation
A. Greene (MIT): Coherent Error Mitigation and Density Matrix
Exponentiation Using Emulated Quantum Measurements
E. Levenson-Falk (University of Southern California): Engineering and
harnessing noisy environments to preserve quantum process fidelity in
superconducting qubits
P. Zapletal (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg): Error-tolerant Quantum
Convolutional Neural Networks for the Recognition of Symmetryprotected
Topological Phases on Noisy Quantum Computers
Session chair: William D. Oliver (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Coffee break
Scientific Session: Non-computing applications of superconducting qubits
S. Saito (NTT Basic Research Laboratories): Detection of High-frequency
Defects in Superconducting Qubits
A. Guthrie (Aalto University): A Cooper-Pair Box Coupled to Two Resonators:
An Architecture for a Quantum Refrigerator
S. Mukhopadhyay (Institute of
Science and Technology Austria): Thermally activated superconductivity in insulating Josephson chains
Session chair: Matti Silveri (University of Oulu)
Lunch Break (Buffet)
Scientific Session (Posters)
Coffee Break
"Recent Progress With Fluxoniums" by Vladimir Manucharyan
Scientific Session: Unconventional qubits
E. Hyyppä (IQM Quantum Computers): Unimon Qubit
D. Rieger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology): Gralmonium:
Granular Aluminum Nano-Junction Fluxonium Qubit
Session chair: Rajamani Vijayaraghavan (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Scientific Session: IQM Quantum Computers
J. Lamprich (IQM Quantum Computers): Preparation of Maximally Entangled
States With Digital-analog Quantum Computing (DAQC)
J. Heinsoo (IQM Quantum Computers): State of the Art
Qubit Readout and Two-qubit Gates at IQM
Session chair: Mikko Möttönen (IQM Quantum Computers)
Helsinki Tour
Bluefors Facility Tour
IQM Visit
Opening Day 3 and Keynote
"Giant Artificial Atoms and Waveguide QED" by Will Oliver
Scientific Session: Fabrication and materials
J. Govenius (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland): Qubit-Compatible 3D-Integration Methods for
Large Quantum Processors
M. Palma (IQM Quantum Computers): Electroplated
Indium Bumps for Scalable 3D Integration of Superconducting
A. Potocnik (imec Leuven): High-coherence Foundry-compatible
Superconducting Qubit Platform
Session chair: Visa Vesterinen (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)
Coffee Break
Scientific Session: High-fidelity elementary operations: gates, readout, reset
D. McKay (IBM): Reducing Errors Via Device and Algorithmic Improvements
A. Gunyhó (Aalto University): Readout of a Superconducting
Qubit Using a Nanobolometer
L. Chen (Chalmers University of Technology): Fast and High-fidelity Two-tone Readout of
Qubits by Electron Shelving
J. Cerrillo (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena):
Andreev Spin Coherent Manipulation in Josephson Weak Links
Session chair: Christian Kraglund Andersen (TU Delft)
Lunch Break (buffet)
Scientific Session (Posters)
Coffee break
Scientific sessions: Algorithms and applications
I. Pop (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology): A Quantum Szilard Engine for Two-level
System Coupled to a Qubit
T. Ha Kyaw (University of Toronto): Quantum Iterative Power
P. Stadler (HQS Quantum Simulations): Simulating System-bath
Type Problems on a Quantum Computer
Session chair: M. Adriaan Rol (Orange Quantum Systems)
Scientific Session: Millikelvin electronics and other supporting technologies
F. Lecocq (National Institute of Standards and Technology):
Hardware for Efficient Measurements and Scalable Signal Delivery
in Superconducting Quantum Processors
Y. Takeda (University of Tokyo): Passive On-chip Microwave
Circulator Based on a Josephson Ring
R. Acharya (KU Lueven/Imec Leuven): Interfacing Superconducting
Qubits with Ultra-low Power Cryo-CMOS Multiplexer at 11mK
Session chair: Alessandro Bruno (Quantware)
Conference Aperitivo and Dinner
Scientific Session: Benchmarking and enabling software
Michael Biercuk (Q-CTRL): Improving Superconducting QC Performance
>1000x With Deterministic Error Suppression
A. Saha Roy (Forschungszentrum Juelich/Qruise GmbH): Bayesian
Experiment Design for Adaptive Characterization of
Superconducting Qubits
M. Adriaan Rol (Orange Quantum Systems): Tackling the
Quantum Device Characterization Bottleneck
Session chair: Yonathan Cohen (Quantum Machines)
Coffee break
Scientific Session: Design and modeling
A. Petrescu (École des Mines): Readout Problem in Circuit QED
A. Kenawy (Forschungszentrum Jülich): How to Correctly
Account for Timevarying Fluxes in
Superconducting Circuits
T. Ramos (IFF-CSIC): Directional
Broadband Amplification via a Topological Josephson Junction Array
Session chair: Juha Hassel (IQM Quantum Computers)
Lunch and Farewell Buffet
Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki is not only a quantum computing hub but also a calm and charming city with plenty of things to do. Enjoy Helsinki while you attend SQA. Learn more here.
The event itself will take place in Paasitorni Congress Center (Paasivuorenkatu 5 A, 00530 Helsinki, Finland)
Platinum supporters
Can I attend without a submission?
Absolutely. We still invite you to submit your talk or poster to discuss it with the scientific community.
Do you offer any kind of scholarships?
Actually, we do! The selection of scholarship recipients is based on need and your submission. There is a separate gremium deciding on that.
Is the conference on-site or hybrid?
This conference is held on-site only. But we will live stream the conference.
What are the rules regarding COVID?
The organizers of the SQA Conference 2022 are taking all measures to make the event safe. Thus, the venue and the partners we have chosen to work with on this event have implemented specific sanitary protocols ensuring the safety of all employees and visitors. We will follow the official Finnish guidelines for large in-person gatherings at the time of the conference. The up-to-date guidelines can be found here.
Get Updates
We will inform you only about relevant updates (such as deadlines) concerning the SQA conference – promise!
All tickets are sold. The waiting list is now also closed. Registration fees include coffee break in the morning, lunch, coffee break in the afternoon, conference dinner on Saturday, and excursion. Travel and accomodation need to be booked separately. The number of tickets is limited. For attending the live stream, you do not need to register.
Student (including PhD)
Early Bird
Contact Us
Plase contact us via email for all your questions regarding the SQA Conference.